Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Κύριε Παπανδρέου, αυτό είναι το γράμμα που στείλατε στους Ευρωπαίους πρωθυπουργούς; Γιατί λείπει η αναφορά σε εκλογές…

Πολύ αξιόπιστη πηγή μας έστειλε την ακόλουθη επιστολή. Έτσι όπως την βλέπουμε, είναι η περιβόητη επιστολή που απέστειλε σε όλους τους Ευρωπαίους ηγέτες. Η συγκεκριμένη απευθύνθηκε στην Ιρλανδία, λογικά όμως είναι πανομοιότυπες.
…που είναι λοιπόν η αναφορά στις εκλογές;
Athens, 1 November 2011
H.E. Mr. Enda Kenny
Taoiseach of Ireland
Dear Taoiseach,
The decision of the European Council of 26 October is of historical significance for Greece. Thanks to the support of the Euro Area Member States, the European institutions (European Commission, ECB) and the IMF, Greece acquires a new multi—annual adjustment programme. The 26 October decision also provides for a more substantial contribution of the private sector to a plan that makes the Greek public debt sustainable according to the IMF Debt Sustainability Analysis.
The Greek govern
ment is fully aware of its obligations towards the Euro Area Member States, the European institutions and the IMF. It shares these objectives as necessary to make the greek economy a sustainable one. We see as fundamental to the 26 October decision the implementation of all policy measures in the areas of fiscal adjustment, structural reforms and privatizations.
The Greek government is decided to fully honour these obligations, as they appear in the latest version of the MEFP, the MoU and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy. Therefore, all implementation Laws that have been voted by the Greek Parliament will be effectively implemented without any slippages. Our decisiveness also refers to our commitments as concerns the 2011 and 2012 budgets, as have been agreed with the Troika, and which aim at producing primary surpluses in 2012.
In the framework of the 26 October decision, the Greek government stands ready to agree with the Troika and its institutional partners on a new programme and a new loan agreement by the end of 2011. Also, the Greek government together with the Euro Working Group, the IMF and the euro area member states have already started the preparations for the new PSI, which aims at reducing the Greek debt to 120% of GDP by 2020, following a 50% reduction in the privately held debt.
The Greek government will move swiftly and decisively, in close cooperation with its institutional partners, to achieve a high participation rate for the private sector involvement.
As you are aware, the domestic political and social situation in Greece is particularly tense and critical. The Greek Government considers these decisions of historical importance for the country and the Greek people. However, all opposition parties are absolutely and intensely opposed to the Government’s policies and have fiercely and publicly rejected the October 26 decisions. General strikes, occupations of public buildings, shutting down the Ministry of Finance, disrupting the educational process in schools and universities, demonstrations, violent clashes in Athens and other cities, have become an everyday occurrence.
On October 28, just one day after the decision of October 26/27, during the celebrations for the country’s national day, a group of demonstrators blocked the traditional parade; due to that, the President of the Republic had to leave the officials’ gallery.
The opposition and a number of opinion makers have raised questions concerning the government’s legitimacy and are now pushing for immediate elections in order to overturn the decision we have taken.
Under these conditions, the Greek government is called to weigh upon two equally crucial national priorities: The need to have an effective implementation of the 26 October decision and the need for the Greek people to express themselves in a democratic and peaceful way and put an end to the current political situation and social crisis.
I have already called for a confidence vote in the Greek Parliament. A positive vote of confidence will enable us to negotiate with our institutional partners and the private sector for a new adjustment programme and a new private sector involvement and allow us to honour our commitments that stem from the MoU/MEFP and the Medium—Term Fiscal Strategy.
I am confident that the government will be given a renewed confidence vote.
Following the conclusion and the signing of the relevant agreements or the other necessary legal acts for the new programme, the new loan and the new PSI, the whole package will be submitted for approval, in accordance with our legal procedures, to the people via a referendum.
The referendum will involve exclusively the issue of the new programme and the new loan that are to be agreed; neither the issue of the existing Greek loan facility nor any other issues regarding the functioning of the Eurozone will be addressed. Greece fully supports the decisions related to the Eurozone that we took last week in Brussels.
I am confident that the Parliament will ratify the agreements that we have concluded and the decisions that we have issued. I also believe that in this referendum the Greek people, who in their vast majority want the country to remain steadfastly within the euro area, will decide in a mature and responsible way.
It is also my sincere hope that the opposition parties will live up to their historic responsibilities not only towards the Greek people but also towards our European partners and the European and international institutions.
Greece is a responsible country with a long history. It is a reliable partner which is currently facing fiscal and competitiveness problems, but we are determined to return to normality and claim our fair position in the European and international economy.
Such a target can be better served if we manage to achieve a united domestic front and a political continuity concerning our international commitments, by which we shall fully stand.
The institutional processes that we have initiated will strengthen the implementation mechanisms of our commitments and honour the signature of Greece. I am convinced that our people, expressing their free will, will themselves realise what is at stake and will appreciate the long term potential of the new programme, to make Greece a sustainable, transparent and just economy. And this will also ensure we remain an equal partner within the Euro Area.
Yours sincerely,
George A. Papandreou


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